Scabard's Bestiary offers a convenient way to create custom creature cards tailored to your preferred system, whether it's for a non-5e tabletop RPG or if you simply want your own creature template within the 5e framework. Follow these steps
Access the Bestiary
While logged in on desktop, go to any page in your campaign
Create a Note with a nicely styled creature card in the Note's description
On the Bestiary, click "Configure Creature Card Brew"
Enter the name of the Note you created above and save
Insert Brew in Creature
On the Bestiary, click the "..." button next to a creature
In the description or secrets editor in the Quick Edit dialog, select "Beautify:Brews:Creature Stat Block" (from the editor menu bar) per the Brews feature
Edit the name, hit points, strength, etc of the default or Custom Creature Card that is pasted in
Click "Save" to close the Quick Edit dialog
Create Another Creature
To create a new Creature:
Click the "Categories" tab from the Bestiary, then the + button
Give your creature a name and a description, and insert the Creature Card in the description or secrets section