Deep Ones

Deep Ones


A humanoid piscine race.

Score 160


A race that resembles a humanoid fish of some variety. They are only recently discovered and seem to all hail from the Triune Sea. 

They are slowly becoming more well known now that they have gotten involved in the the wars raging all across the world.  They have been discovered in pockets and small villages all over the world in large bodies of water.

They have been known to the Wild Elves for a very long time and both races have an adversarial relationship that borders on war anywhere they come into contact with one another. 

All Deep Ones seem to have a link or an affinity with at least one or more Outsiders.  Some may even worship these Outsiders, but not exclusively. 

There are rumors that the Deep Ones can also make new members of their race via a form of corruption or curse. This is still being looked into as there are known to be children born as Deep Ones. 

Tis race is also known to have the ability to interbreed on the same level as a human and this has by some scholars been used to explain such things as merfolk and sharkmen.


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