Score: 6921 | 03/07/23 |
The Ravennia Solar System, young in the grand scheme of things, is a melting pot. Newer and waiting habitation, the larger, terrafirmed planets are booming, except just like in other solar systems, just like on other planets, resources are wearing thing.
A support planet is established -- Ravennia Valle -- and our players have been subscripted to settle within Zone One, a fairly well established settlement upon the otherwise unexplored Ravennia Valle. There are resources to plunder, adventures to have, and land to map. Do whatever you want -- just don't try to leave.
While on the land, it quickly becomes apparent that it has been kept intentionally old. No guns, no bombs, no magical scrolls or tombs. With the ability to come and go limited, items limited, and a natural landscape trying to destroy settlers at most corners, we find the planet is not as unpopulated as it might seem.
Prior to the arrival of the first settlers, four main races existed on Ravennia Valle:
(1) The naga and nagaji who reside heavily within the southern most river systems, especially those connected to the warm deep springs that feed into the Lotus River.
(2) Anadi - who reside within the Weblurker Forest and the larger Thousand Eyes Forest which takes up much of the central landmass of Ravennia Valle
(3) Goblins - infest the mountainsides to the North of the continent fighting for space with the other northerly denizens both creature and person.
(4) Vishkanya - ranging the land in the North, these peaceful but secretive folk avoid the Naga and Nagaji if they are able.
The settling groups have spread the rumors far and wide that the planet was uninhabited and the groups of soldiers that roam between the three sites do their best to spread that rumor. They also do their best to kill all those locals they encounter. A player of one of these four races would find themselves quickly at gunpoint if not in one of the sites.