Wizard of Baron Brantifax
Score: 156 | 03/31/24 |
The life of this mage from a fallen noble family is tragic. His mother became a farmer with her estate but died in a strange accident on the farm. His father was killed on a trade mission leaving himself and three other siblings in trouble. His sister, Yvonne kept the farm afloat and successful. Jocelyn his other sister works on the farm and famous arts. With his brother, Norman , they worked at Baron Brantifax estate. Both grown in power until they both realize they could extort their living from the Baron. The first thing he did was torture Sylphene Brantifax physical until she passed and he took her soul. Years later he sought revenge against a merchant by cursing his daughter Scrinia Servinus with connecting her fate with the shadow realm. On 5/18/4719 the League went into the shadow realm where he confronted them after they found a connection. On 6/5/4719 while the League was at the House of Rest sensing a victim that would assist his plans of turning of Scrinia Servinus as a vassal to control he used the vulnerable Ebder Smallstone depression to possess him.