House of Rest quarantined event
Score: 156 | 04/27/24 |
The League left the Vermeillon after clearing it of the meenlocks. Next day they traveled to Nivakta's Crossing to talk to Irven Revanisu of what they found in the ruins. Extra heat of 115 degree as they travel to Restov to sell their finds from Vermeillon. When the group arrived they took several items to various vendors to sell splitting up in the heat to quickly meet at the House of Rest. When they all arrived for the night they were greeted by Crinkle who was unhappy that Verelda Lang made the arrangements for the Group the League to stay while they are in Restov. During the late afternoon the heat continued with some of the guest started humming a song to each other. The next morning the League awakened to heat of summer again when the Avowed came to explain that all in the House of rest are quarantined because of a curse that seems to be about the song that is being hummed uncontrollably. During the night on 6/5/4719 Barbor Messa went into Clamilia Rufus room discussing his nightmare of Scrinia servinus turning into a dark creature.