An elven woman who isn’t quite a bounty hunter, a survivalist, or a mercenary, but rather a mix of all three.
Score: 161 | 03/26/24 |
Shalelu Andosana isn’t quite a bounty hunter, a survivalist, or a mercenary, but rather a mix of all three. The elven woman passes through town once or twice a season to buy supplies and never remains more than a few days, always staying in the same room at the Rusty Dragon free of charge thanks to her long friendship with Ameiko.
Near the end of each visit, she meets with Sheriff Hemlock and Mayor Deverin for a few hours at the garrison to give a report on the state of the hinterlands before she leaves town again, a pouch of gold at her side. Both Hemlock and Deverin value Shalelu’s reports, since they provide unbiased insight into how the local farmlands are faring and keep the town council abreast of burgeoning dangers in the region.
She was impressed with how the Heroes of Bridgewater fought off the goblins that attacked Bridgewater. She shared several pieces of knowledge with them including:
- Ten Fun Facts about Goblins
- Five Goblin Tribes
- Six Goblin Heroes
She also introduced her brother LinMire Andosana to the Heroes of Bridgewater. They decided to have him join them as a member.