


This is a plane with no easily available magic

Score 201


This is a plane with no easily available magic. It is as if magic has almost no affect here. This is not to say that there is a drain, just almost no free flowing magic and almost no magical refresh here.

Technology is known to work well and be developed well here. There are many skills here that are barely developed in other areas. There is a pervasive field however that seems to slightly enhance technology and speed the development of it here.

Another effect of this plane is that exhaustion seems to take longer to set in for some reason and as such people are able to work longer and harder until they are too tired to do more work. The culture here has reflected this in that laziness is almost a sin and excessive laziness in many areas can even get the offending person thrown into jail until they have worked enough to earn their way to freedom. Most people here assume that any magic performed is just some technological device they have never seen before.

This plane is inaccessible by magic and requires technology that is integral to jump drives.

It is believed that the US Armed Forces discovered the remains of a jump ship on the moon during one of the secret moon missions. The US Armed Forces discovered the way to open a gate here (and eventually jump technology). They used this place to develop some of their advanced technology over the years. This technology was slowly released to accelerate the growth of America, but was quickly stolen by other nations. 


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