


The entire world. The prime material plane. All known & unknown lands.

Score 275


The world of the Lost Lands has been known by many names over many thousands of years. To the ancient Phoromyceaens, it was Erce the Mother. In the desert lands of Khemit, it was called Geb, while to the people of Far Jaati, it was Kala. The ancient Hyperboreans called the world Boros, the same name they gave to the continent from which they came, and the name that was most used for the world during the millennia of their empire. To the Heldring, the world is called Eorth, while to the Northlanders it is Midgard. But today, the most common name for the world is Lloegyr, or the Lost Lands, the name it was  given by the Daanites after their leader Daan overthrew the undead imperatrix of Hyperborea (and was himself slain), bringing to an end the Hyperborean era.

The world of the Lost Lands is large. The globe’s circumference is approximately 50,400 miles, nearly twice that of our Earth. The known world includes two populated continents, Akados in the west and Libynos in the east. To the north, under a deep sheet of ice, is the lost continent of Boros, from which the ancient Hyperboreans once came and to which they returned when they withdrew almost a thousand years ago. Whether they live there still, and in fact whether anyone at all can be found in that frozen land, remains the subject of speculation. To the south are islands scattered over thousands of miles of open ocean, sometimes called the Islands of Arkanos, which legend says are all that remains of a mighty southern continent, now almost entirely sunken beneath the waves.

Those southern seas are known as Mother Oceanus and reach unknown distances to the east, south, and west. Great lines of impenetrable storms known as the Tempest Meridians lie far to the east of Libynos and far to the west of Akados, barring the way to whatever might be in the seas beyond. The Great Ocean Ûthaf is to the north of Akados and Libynos. And between those two continents is the Sinnar Ocean. The world circles a sun that is slightly more orange than Earth’s. Two moons — Narrah, the Pale Sister, and smaller Sybil, the Dark Sister — appear in the night sky alongside several wandering stars and uncountable other stars.


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