The Unclaimed Lands

The Unclaimed Lands


A land of fiefdoms and wilds.

Score 227


The Unclaimed Lands are the uncontrolled feudal lands north of the Great Amrin River and west of the Glimmrill Run until it reaches the Forest Kingdoms to the north.

When the Hyperboreans retreated from Akados, the forces of civilization abandoned this vast swath of territory bordering Eastreach Province. The region quickly descended into chaos as countless warlords, barons, and other self-professed nobles rushed in to fill the political and economic vacuum left in their wake. These despots ruled over their tiny fiefdoms from the safety of their castles and fortified manor homes. Inexplicably, the Foerdewaith stopped their advance into central Akados at the edge of the Great Amrin River, depriving the Unclaimed Lands of any stabilizing influence derived from the presence of a developed, centralized state.

From a technological and cultural standpoint, the people of the Unclaimed Lands underwent a slow regression from the lofty ideals of the Hyperboreans to the petty squabbles of backward boors fighting over a worthless tract of fallow earth. A sizable population of nomadic Erskaelosi also wander across the mostly untamed wilderness, though they are careful to avoid the more numerous small villages and hamlets inhabited by their Foerdewaith counterparts who greatly outnumber them. The influx of these displaced barbaric peoples adds further volatility to the Unclaimed Lands’ muddy political situation.

However, the Unclaimed Lands’ humanoid residents, whether they are humans, half-orcs, orcs, or gnolls, universally agree on one thing — to avoid the Court of Loom Ché under all circumstances. The massive edifice constructed from dinosaur bones belongs to its denizen of Leng namesake. Within this compound, the enigmatic visitor from another world entertains an equally eclectic crowd of strange supernatural and alien beings




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