Most Peculiar, Momma
Score: 296 | 08/18/24 |
The children enjoyed a nice little harvest festival playing a variety of games including:
Apple on a String, Cake Walk, Musical Chairs, Potato Sack Race, Three Legged Race, Egg Toss, Egg Spoon Race, Hay Ride, Corn Maze, Pumpkin Toss, Scarecrow Stuffing, Pie Eating Contest
After a bout of fun in the contests the group overheard a farmhand telling Ted that the turkey's were sick. Unwilling to hand them out as such Ted asked the farmhand to find the cause and see if the sickness would clear up.
After some investigation the team was able to discover some crystals hidden within the turkey's food and were set upon by Turkenga's a turkey form of the Tenga Warriors. The team was able to defeat half of the Turkenga's leaving the other half to flee.
Finally, Turkitron revealed itself. A towering large creature it opened with a launch of it's Arm Cannon. The rangers were forced to morph and begin an assault on Turkitron.After a fierce battle Brian launched a devastating Penetrating Shot dealing the final blow laying Turkitron low.
Turkitron rebooted into it's secondary form growing into a titanic creature. Raining down pain upon the rangers as they awaited their zords.
Fred was able to contact an old voice who warned Fred that The Pillars must not fall or everything would be ruined. That the training must be maintained.
At this revelation Fred relays the information to his team before Brian lands the first blow on the massive foe after his first hit failed to penetrate his armor. With renewed vigor the team attempted to devise a plan until Turkitron began hacking into the pillar causing a countdown to a reboot.
Fred's zord arrived and he worked to try and draw fire from Turkitron. It proved very fruitless as a secondary hack attack reduced the 5 minute wait to little more than a processing countdown.
Watching the clock tick down they called in Evan and Jimmy for back up. Evan arrived immediately suiting up and summoned his own zord. Jimmy arrived using his golden ranger powers to launch a heavy bazooka attack against Turkitron.
Finally, the rangers Zord's arrive each mounted up and launched an attack against Turkitron who managed to shake off many of the blows. The team formed into Megazord form and launched a dire attack as the clock ticked down. With but a second to spare the group launched a superman style punch breaking Turkitron's connection and driving him to the ground.
The group were given thanks by the voice and they realized it was Jimmy's voice, though older.
The group unmorphed and fled to avoid the police. They received their turkey's and left to enjoy their Thanksgiving.