Royal ruler of the Principality of Ulek
Score: 264 | 03/17/24 |
Prince Olinstaad Corond of Gryax (born Richfest 3, 243 CY) has reigned over the Principality of Ulek for much of its modern political history. In his youth, he signed his Principality into a union with Keoland, and later, aged, withdrew from that agreement. Not many in Ulek can recall a time before 'the Prince' as he has come to be known, and yet many await his fate with bated breath, as the old dwarf enters his final years. A violent ruler, Ulek's military presence has certainly prospered under his hand, though its true success is a matter of some contention, having been ineffective during the Hateful Wars and subsequently defeated in the skirmishes with Orc refugees in the Pomarj. Successive defeats have been the justification for laws that successively emboldened the military in every day affairs. Gryrax is patrolled not by watchmen, but by infantry, and every child born under the Ulek banned is obligated to commit to three years of military service or face imprisonment.
The Prince has sired over 20 children in his time, every one of them with his recently departed wife Senya Corond. His youngest is Vern Corond, a subject of scandal for seemingly taking the Forge gender and forgoing military service.
Age: | 333 |
Hair Colour: | White |
Hair Style: | Intricate, bejeweled braids. |
Beard Style: | Three forked trident |
Primary deity: | Clangeddlin Silverbeard |
Skin Tone: | Grayish purple |