1,000 years beyond Atezia's World
Score: 111696 | 09/01/24 |
1st game: Pathfinder merged with D20 Modern.
What happens with the races and history on the world Atezia populated ages up to include Technology. The Siblings' planets will be added too.
Okay using the https://www.d20pfsrd.com website we will be making characters (Stored in our DropBox)
Stat rolls are: 18, 16, 16, 14, 12, 8 (these are before racial mods, place them into the stat block organized as you want)
We will be incorporating some D20 Modern equipment, and probably a few skills (You will see on Character Sheet)
You can do Class Archtypes (up to 2) as long as they do not overlap on the Exchange Rate (Alicia, Reece & Ivy have already done this so if confused let one of us help you)
Alicia does not know the Discord name for everyone, so please help me populate the player (Member) list of this server.