Dragonborn Barbarian seeking vengance
Score: 198 | 02/17/24 |
Born into the highlands Dragonborn clan of Randorne, that were feared as barbaric and spent most of their time raiding the villages that dared settle near the Randornes land of the Coalcona peaks. Shaghul had a moment as a young dragonborn that challenged his morality on the senseless killing his clan enacted and ran away to make a different life for himself.
Had a family.
A Dragonborn wife (Kiamat (Kia)) and son (Kelbreth (Kel)).
They were agricultural people farming the land. During a drought. The farmers sent an envoy to the city of Fahlond to seek aid from their council.
The council for whatever reason were uninterested in helping and instead sent them back empty handed.
Once the envoy came back to their small village, they found it in ash, burnt to the ground skeletons of the dead littered the area. This was marked off as a fire accident due to the natural drought of the area.