(God of Water, Lord of The Open Sea and Plane of Water)
Score: 399 | 03/22/24 |
Sashelas is the elven god of the ocean and the patron deity of aquatic elves. He is also a god of creation, knowledge, beauty, and magic. He is the leader of the Asathalfinare, an alliance of good-aligned gods of aquatic races.
He is married to Trishina, the goddess of dolphins. He is opposed to the evil deities of the deep, such as Sekolah and Panzuriel. He grants his clerics access to the domains of Life, Light, Nature, and Tempest. His holy symbol is a dolphin or a dorsal fin rising from the water
In his Eadro Aspect he is the god of the merfolk and the locathah, two races of aquatic creatures. He is a neutral deity who represents growth, unity, and protection. He is part of the Asathalfinare alliance of good-aligned gods of aquatic races. His holy symbol is a spiral design and his sacred animal is the jellyfish. He grants his clerics access to the domains of Nature and Tempest.
In his Persana Aspect he is the god of the tritons, a race of aquatic humanoids. He is a neutral good deity who represents architecture, guardianship, and creation. His holy symbol is a silver trident against a silhouetted conch. He grants his clerics access to the domains of Life, Light, Nature, and Tempest.