The group clash with the Blue Buccaneers and start to pick apart at the mercanaries plans
Score: 262 | 03/19/24 |
Also known as that time Atmos threw bubbles of magma at a guy, killing him and fusing his skin with his leather armour
Picking up from the tense moment between Ailluin and the leader of a small pack of the Blue Buccaneers.
Arrows fly and swords clash as the two groups fight on the cliffside of the Vermillion coast. After a tense fight that see's Ailluin downed but saved by Atmos, the group make short work of the four mercanaries.
Picking at their wounds, Marco discovers a Magic Hand Mirror that shows the user their desired future.
They trek on across the coastline, coming to a bridge battered by the increasingly hostile waves. They cross safely. Marco first, followed by Atlas, Ailluin and finally Atmos.
As Atlas watches Atmos cross, he spots movements higher up the cliff face. Unsure what to make of it, the group move on aware that they're being watched.
After another hour of hiking, the group come across a cave on the cliff-face, they move in to investigate to discover a doorway uncharacteristically wedged in to the cave's end. They solve the puzzle set against them, but not before discovering that Tidbits Boogy has been following them and witnessed the entire fight. With some level of dishevelled admiration, Tidbits convinces the party to keep him with the group.
They solve the puzzle and move on, only to find in the other room Khor's Peacekeeper in the hands of Lena Wrinklesinger. Atlas and Ailluin move to investigate and discover that Lena isnt human but a sea hag - a sinister being of archaic and ancient magic.
She fights with the party. During the fight, Lena's wicked appearance, powered by her ancient evil briefly scares Atlas and Atmos. Atlas calms himself after a moment and Tidbit helps Atmos come back to reality.
Marco flashes the mirror to Lena, in hopes to distract her only to discover that Lena is completely drawn in by the mirror. She talks with the party, demanding the mirror as payment for Khor's Peacekeeper as promised by the leader of the Blue Buccaneers.
The party consider this deal and accept it as she throws down the Peacekeeper, picks up the mirror and dissapears into the ocean, swimming away from the group