The group journey up to Ravenmaker keep and pull at the threads of a plot larger than they initially thought...
Score: 292 | 04/09/24 |
After the fight with the Sea Hag and new knowledge that the Blue Buccaneers are up to no good, the group + Tidbit journey back to Slumberhaven to deliver the Peacekeeper back to its rightful place. Atlas and Brok get off on the wrong foot with Atlas near accusing Brok of being a part of this play by the Blue Buccaneers.
Celebrated as heroes by the townsfolk, they plan their next move up to Ravenmaker keep, seeking the log-book that supposedly gets delivered which notes new arrivals on the island. They travel with Brok and Tidbits, but not before Tidbits and the group trade wares.
6 hours later, they find themselves at Ravenmaker keep where they meet the lord of Vermillion Isle, Darius Ravenblood and Ser Cleaver. Darius seems to be of little help, with no clue where the log book is and not seeming to be willing to share any beneficial information, the group takes it on themselves to do some further investigating, after finding the private quarters of Darius, distracting one of the guardsmen with magic and going to blows with the other, they find inside Ravenmaker keep Lara Ravenmaker, whose skin is translucent. Ailluin investigates and deems that Lara's skin is a disease, but not life threatening and should clear after a few days.
After some winning over, Lara seems to be much more helpful than Darius, noting that the Blue Buccaneers don't seem to have been out of the ordinary, definitely not special enough for special attention from the House of the High Raven. She also tells the group that Darius seems to be a bit of a target for other houses, given the wealth of Vermillion Isle.
Urged by Lara's maid, Mary to investigate the pond that Lara swims at. Atmos finds signs that the pool has been contaminated by some creatures magic, not the same magic of the Sea Hag, but of something different. It seems that an aura of magic has corrupted the water in this pool. Mary notes that the water has been like this for about a month and finds it strange that the water only affected Lara now.
The group take a sample of the water for further study.
With this information in mind and the Blue Buccaneers ahead of the adventuring party. they decide to take Brok with them on their journey further up to the Forgotten City and leave Tidbit to spy on Darius in the meantime, should he have links with the Blue Buccaneers as the group are inclined to believe that Darius is working with the Blue Buccaneers in hopes of them being able to help Lara's illness.