There is no mistaking that lumbering crash that echoes through the jungle. The terrasque has sniffed you out at last.
Score: 263 | 03/15/24 |
As the party reaches to twilight on their trek towards the arena, they see before them the same statue in town of Regis. However, upon closer inspection, the statue is missing the beast that Regis was stepping on.
As the party steps forward, the statue comes to life and speaks to them.
"Welcome friends, to one of your last challenges!"
Regis then goes on to explain in his youth, he had slain a terrifying creature from the Material Plane and stole its young to train and raise. Now they are grown and he want to see what they can do. Behind the party, from the tree line they had been walking through, they see the beast.
Nature or History checks to determine the creature - it's a freaking Tarrasque!!
Regis goes on to explain for the last part of the journey, they must get to arena as quickly as they can, as the Tarrasque will be chasing them. Atop the beast is a being in purple armor, the same armor that dons parts of the Tarrasque itself. The meaning in clear - this thing has been trained, has better armor than its natural one, and has someone who is experienced in hunting is guiding it. You CANNOT fight this thing. To do so would be a quick and meaningless death
They get a 5 minute head start. The Arena is an hour away
From here the party will be given a series of checks to see if they can beat the pace of the Tarrasque. Further history/nature checks reveal that on its own, the Tarrasque normally can't catch up to them, but with everything else going on, Regis is probably hiding some of its abilities.
Failures from the group result in hearing the Tarrasque start to close the distance and/or levels of exhaustion(don't go more than 1 for the long rest they will have). If there are enough failures, Regis pops in and commands it to stop. It was only a test to see how far they could get. He goes on to say that one poor group couldn't even last 15 minutes and another group tried to fight it head-on.
If they make enough successful checks, they make it to the arena with 1 level of exhaustion. It's tough to run for it