Captain of the Cetaceal
Score: 190 | 03/10/24 |
The Eagle Knights are a staunchly good organization tasked with abolishing slavery and spreading freedom and democracy throughout the Inner Sea. It is this dedication to improving the world and protecting the weak that attracted Mindirra Ethraikien to the organization.
Raised in the Andoren fishing village of Tasaroa on the shores of the Inner Sea, Mindirra had always venerated the empyreal lord Ylimancha, who watches over coastlines and fisherfolk, yet she never felt the call to actively serve the Harborwing until one fateful day in her sixteenth year. A brazen slave ship from Okeno raided the defenceless village, and the desperate cleric in the Ylimanchan temple sent a plea for help with a seagull to any ship in the vicinity.
Just as Mindirra and her family were being placed in manacles by their would-be captors, a Gray Corsair ship arrived, and a squadron of well-trained Steel Falcons quickly dispatched the slavers, sparing the villagers from a terrible fate. Ylimancha had answered her people’s call, and Mindirra decided then that she would return the blessing.
Now in her fifth year as captain of the Cetaceal, Mindirra sometimes finds the subterfuge required of her crew at odds with her lawful nature, but she understands that such actions are necessary to do the greater good, ensuring no vulnerable village like Tasaroa ever faces the same fate. Captain Ethraikien believes that all creatures deserve freedom and is committed to using every resource at her disposal to ensure that comes to pass.