Land of Eternal Winter
Score: 163 | 03/07/24 |
Almost every youth in northern Avistan fears the White Witches of the North, who dwell in palaces of ice and steal wicked children in the dark of winter to imprison their souls in eerie porcelain dolls. More terrifying still is the legend of the Queen of Witches, Baba Yaga, who came to Golarion, conquered a nation, and then just as swiftly left. Some say she will one day return to expand her empire far beyond the current borders of Irrisen.
Symbols play an important role in Irrisen in warding away bad luck and the ire of Baba Yaga and her children. Cat, dog, gate, and tree motifs can be found all throughout the nation, adorning its people’s doors, lintels, tools, clothing, weapons, armour, and hearths. Cats and dogs are common pets and living symbols of good luck in nearly every settlement; no home ever lacks a gate through which these pets can come and go. While ravens are popular familiars and seen as noble and intelligent creatures, their smaller crow cousins are seen as bad luck and are hunted and killed on sight. Woe be to the archer who, in his zeal to slay a crow, publicly kills a raven instead!