Campaign set in Faerûn, spring 1369
Score: 33650 | 06/17/24 |
It is spring of the Year of the Gauntlet. The last few years have seen numerous changes. Just 11 years have passed since the gods walked the Realms and altered the way people interacted with their deities forever. During that time, the gods Bane, Bhaal, Myrkul, Mystra and Leira were killed. Mortals rose to assume their place, Cyric taking the place of Bane, Bhaal, Myrkul and Leira. Midnight took up Mystra's mantle. Their companion Kelemvor later acquired the position of god of the dead from Cyric.
A large force of drow, kobolds, goblins attacked Mithril Hall and was defeated by a combined force of dwarves, barbarians, and wizards, including many of the Harpell family and Alustriel of Silverymoon.
Moander, the god of corruption and rot, returned to the Realms. He was defeated in the Year of the Prince, by heroes from Cormyr. This time, he was driven back to the outer planes where he was destroyed by Finder Wyvernspur. Finder then rose to godhood as a result.
A barbarian horde rose up in the east, and cut its' way across Rashemen and Thesk (some say with help from the wizards of Thay). They were defeated by a combined army from Cormyr, Sembia, Zhentil Keep, the Dalelands as well as the nations of the Vast.
Zhengyi the witch-king was destroyed in Damara by Gareth Dragonsbane, who was then declared as king.
Waterdeep and the rest of the Lords Alliance threatened Luskan with war, as the ships of Luskan once again attacked and took possession of Rauthym.
The Edificant Library (consecrated to Deneir and Oghma) was destroyed in the Impresk Lake area of the Shining Plains. Rumours flew that agents of Talona, an ancient red dragon and assassins from Westgate were all involved. A new temple called Spirit Soaring was begun in it's place.
News from the North tells of Clan Warcrown attacking and claiming the Citadel of Many Arrows from the orcs and once again naming the hold Felbarr.
The lich Velsharoon ascended to godhood, claiming the portfolio of Necromancy.
Wars were fought and won and lost all across the Realms.
In the last days of the year, Zhentil Keep was burned by divine fire (some say from Mask, others Cyric) and further pummeled by giants, dragons and other monsters sent by Cyric. The Zhentarim had relocated to the Citadel of the Raven a few months prior, much to the chagrin of the goodly people of Faerûn.
Now word comes through the organized churches of the lands that Bane's son Iyachtu Xvim has gained a foothold as a demigod, with the portfolio of Tyranny and Hatred from Cyric.
From the Sword Coast to the Lands of Intrigue, the lands of Thay and Aglarond, to the Dales and Cormyr, life goes on, and people strive to live, and explore and thrive in this new landscape.