Monday Night Heroes
Human god of elemental fire, fire elementalism, purification through flame.
Score 190
03/17/24Kossuth (Koh-SOOTH), spoken like a whispering flame, is the patron of all fire elementals as well as any who view fire as a purifying and revitalizing force. He is normally depicted as a huge pillar of flame boiling skyward. He represents the burning away of the old to make way for the new with the cognizance that the way to change is harsh and measured. He is the fire in the hearth which appears comforting but which may turn on its owner at any time and burn the house down. He is the mystery of fire, the unknowable secret that speaks inspiration to smiths and death to crazed people who burn things and people for pleasure.
Like all the elemental lords, Kossuth seems to hold little affection toward his followers on Abeir-Toril. His reactions seem calculated in end result, if alien in logic; he moves toward a certain end, but has not shared that end with anyone on Faerun. He seems driven, however, to collect more followers to do his bidding in the Realms than any of the other elemental lords - perhaps because he burns them out so quickly. The alien and uncaring stance of Kossuth and the other elemental lords has led to the mistaken impression in the Realms that they are only lesser powers and their followers merely bizarre cultists.
During the Time of Troubles, Kossuth was not spotted in the Realms.
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