Minister of Academia and the Arts
Score: 369 | 04/03/24 |
Atiel Galarina is a 112 year old female high elf storyteller.
She smokes the pipe occasionally.
She is part of a secret rebellious organization who wants to take control of the government
She discretely worships Corellon Larethian, God of elves, magic, music, arts, crafts, war, poetry, bards, warriors. (Chaotic Good)
She is a hopeless romantic.
She gets very mad at any semblance of an insult.
Ability Scores
Strength - 6 [-2]
Dexterity - 14 [+2]
Constitution - 5 [-3]
Intellect - 13 [+1]
Wisdom - 14 [+2]
Charisma - 18 [+4]
Relationships: Sexual Orientation - Straight, Relationship Status - Married and having an affair
As Minister of Academia she has numerous underlings including the Deans of the various colleges, Chief of Public Education