Legends of Lonn
Briar the Greensinger
No-Longer-Imprisoned Folk Hero
Score 289
08/27/24Briar the Greensinger is a folk hero of the Empty Forest and western Aeranus who stoked the fires of rebellion among the populace, causing them to rise up against their rulers. He is a middle-aged Half-Elf with thinning blonde hair that drapes down to his shoulders.
4948 Update - Briar spent a decade wandering the eastern Empty Forest and Aeranus, raising spirits and encouraging the farmers and plainsfolk to rise up against the absentee nobles. His actions set the wheels of secession in motion, ultimately resulting in the great split of 4958 which resulted in the Empty Forest Independence.
4958 Update - Even then, Briar was not satisfied, though, and he continued to roam the borders, darting into Aeranus and embarrassing the queen with his words and deeds.
4968 Update - Briar continued to embarrass and mock Queen Aurala ir'Wynarn of Aeranus until ten years later in 4968, when he was eventually captured. The crown had devoted considerable resources to capturing the insurgent, and the queen was overjoyed when he was finally brought to justice. Aurala knew Briar was a folk hero, and his execution might make him a martyr. Instead he was sentenced by the Aeranian government to reside in a Silent Cell in Dreadhold Prison, where he has since neither spoken nor heard a sound in over 35 years.
A lesser man might have been driven mad by this experience, but Briar could still hear music in his head, giving him the strength to carry on. He was able to endure his harsh sentence thanks to his intense resolve and relentlessly upbeat perspective.
1/19/5004 Update - Leftenant Commander Lambrose Baccus took Briar - along with several other inmates - back to the Baccus Group Headquarters in Sharn. He struck a deal with the half-elf and set him free in the City.
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