24/05/10: Hi! Is this Gersherant?

24/05/10: Hi! Is this Gersherant?

24/05/10: Hi! Is this Gersherant?


Still hunting a hag

Score 325


23rd of Eleint, 1491 DR

Yo investigates near the swamp during the night. While he never sees the walking dead, he does notice things moving out in the swamp, probably crocodiles. Probably.

The party keeps watches all night and there camp, a mile south of the swamp, is uneventful.

24th of Eleint, 1491 DR, midafternoon

The party takes a leisurely morning at camp, then after noon Atreyu, Yo, Morgan, Aseir, and Bo Campo (Nyx is invisible) elects to go to the village. Mingen, Ehlixer  and Torinn stay at the camp. 

Nearby villages to the east are Essertack and Glebberdoll.

The village elder is Gurston. 5gp fee and 5gp retainer for each boat. He also supplies a dead bird that the sisters provided to guide people to their hut.

Nyx is sent ahead to get the other party members. The boats find a spot on the shore and wait.

  • Yo, Aseir, Mingen, and Ehlixer
  • Atreyu, Morgan, Bo Campo, and Torinn

Aseir casts aid (at lv3) on himself, Nyx, and Mingen.

The bird points northeast. The party starts by travelling north to get an estimation

A pair of undead crocs are following the tail bolt by about 45'. Atreyu and Yo each take a volley of shots at the undead crocs who submerge.

As the day is winding down the bird scrawks with times and the sound of a a club smacking a tree three times is heard. The poles are 5' into the water.

Nyx spies a pair of undead ogres. One of whom smacked a tree. They are on an area of dry land with a hut beyond. Smoke comes out of the center of the roof, rolling down onto the marsh water like a fog. 150' to the edge of the land area; obscured by a batch of trees.

Ehlixer polymorphs to a bat and recons.

The outer edge of the trees is 100' from the edge of the land. 25' water from the trees to edge.

  • goblin pulling arrows out of a zombie crocodile.
  • ogres stand silent watch
  • roof of the hut is cone with small chimney with the small. sturdy that has the smoke.
  • entire hut is 75' diameter. No windows
  • cobble stone path to a door. no windows.

 Yo speaks with animals and gets the report from Ehlixer

 - end of session -


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