You may have issues with your proxy or firewall.
Try reloading page:
We only send daily update emails if a campaign you're following has changed.
Another possibility is that you either unsubscribed from Scabard emails or we automatically unsubscribed you due to a bounced email.
"}, ], rightFaqs: [ {isShow: true, title: "What's the difference between shared and custom categories?", description: "Categories are special connections like Race, Class, Place Category, Item Category, etc.
Shared categories can be seen by all GMs. All subscription levels can connect with shared categories and Hero and above can create new ones.
For categories unique to your campaign, you can use custom categories, which comes included with Hero and above."}, {isShow: true, title: "Should a vehicle be an Item or a Place?", description: "There are arguments to be made for either. But I recommend making them Items, because they have the right connections: Captain, Crew, etc."}, {title: "What's the difference between an Adventure and a Session Log?", description: "Adventures are meant for what you've got planned. While Session Logs, which are Events, are for what actually happened during play."}, ], }