Many Small Dungeons

Many Small Dungeons

Creating many small dungeons is no harder than one large one.

Yet, it becomes easier to link them into a series to form a plot.  Some examples:

Urban Setting:  A neighborhood of streets, sewers/tunnels, walls and rooftops, barracks/fort/prison, mansion/palace, ruined house, temple complex, graveyard/tombs

Mountains:  A narrow pass, cave network, mines, dwarven settlement, remote stronghold/tower, magical site, ruined settlement, or dragon hoard. BTW, you can make up a dragon's hoard using my Dragon Name Generator, which does way more than name dragons!

Lowlands: A farm, a chateaux/manor, a mill, woodland, isolated hamlet/village, magical or religious site, shrine, burial sites, marshland, castle/fort

Coastal: Caves/tunnels, port/wharves, ship, tavern/chandlery, warehouse, tidal causeway, island, ruins/shipwreck, watchtower/lighthouse, markets

Sci-Fi: Decks or departments within a large ship/station, other vessels, planetary locations (see above), communal recreation areas, unofficial trading zones

Linking a series of dungeons does some of your plot-building work for you. While neatly dividing a story arc broadly into sessions.

It keeps the PCs on their toes and allows the DM to vary the challenges facing the players.

Populating each location with colorful characters and details from your world (Scabard connections) adds depth and engagement.

Hopefully you have plenty of ideas to build upon.

Check out Scabard's Connection Feature

-Stolph (Ed)

"World Weavers" - GM tips on how to connect your homebrew worlds with adventures. "World Weavers" is a GM tips email newsletter that provides GMs with invaluable tips and advice on how to connect their home brew worlds with the adventures they create. Helping you create believable NPCs, cities, and storylines. So you can craft adventures your players will never forget.

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