Lower Tavick's Landing

Lower Tavick's Landing


A Hub of Travel in Sharn's Metropolitan Quarter

Score 177


Two land routes to Sharn both end at Lower Tavick's Landing. The House Marquis Lightning Rail deposits passengers in the District of Terminus, while those who travel to Sharn on the Old Road arrive at Wroann's Gate. Getting to the better parts of Sharn from here means passing through Black Arch, a heavily fortified garrison district designed to repel enemies and withstand a full siege. The ward offers a variety of services catering to travelers; the Dragoneyes district is a maze of taverns, inns, brothels, and gambling halls. Dragoneyes is also noteworthy for being the site of one of the few Changeling communities in Hosuth.

House Marquis has a strong presence in Lower Tavick's Landing, and House Marquis heirs, laborers, and teamsters can be found in many of the districts. House Lyrandar and House Olander are also well represented, with their representatives arranging matters of trade, transport, and security.

These days, Lower Tavick's Landing is best known for High Walls, a former residential district converted into a home for refugees from the Last War. High Walls is filled past capacity, mostly by Verdunians who were displaced on the Day of Mourning. The gates are open at present, but High Walls is designed to serve as a fortress prison if the need arises, and the Sharn Watch keeps an eye out for any signs of unrest.


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